1 ) What year was The Times founded and when did it start using the Times name It was founded in 1785 and before changing it's name to Times in 1788 2) What content did John Walter suggest the paper would offer in the first edition? John Walters offered content in a wider field such as politics, advertisements and foreign affairs 3) What does the page say about the political views in The Times ? The times has prompted both political parties fairly 4) Who owns The Times today and how is editorial integrity protected? The Times & The Sunday Times are published by Times Newspapers Limited, part of News UK & Ireland Ltd 5) What did The Times introduce in 2010 and why? Digital subscription in 2010 to help ensure a sustainable future for their journalism 6) What was The Times named in 2018 by the Reuters Institute for Journalism at Oxford University? The Times was named as Britain's most trusted nationa...
1. Pick three camera shots from the scene and explain what type of shot it is and what meanings or effect they have on the audience. Close up shots - Shows the facial expression of the character - Audience can see how they are feeling Medium shots/two person shots - Shows a wider angle and many perspectives. Audience gains a larger view and understanding of the scene Over the shoulder shots - Shows more of the scene. Audience can see the events that are happening in the scene 2. Pick one camera angle that is used in the scene and explain the effect it has on the audience. The close up shots show the anxious expression of the characters as they try and contact the doctor. The audience feels as if they are in the middle of the action 3. Pick one aspect of camera movement in the clip. Identify the type of camera movement and write about why the director chose to use that camera movement in the scene...
1) Which part of the course are you looking forward to most? I am looking forward to making videos 2) What knowledge and skills do you hope to learn in Media? Making good quality videos that are int...
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