Film Industry: Marvel Cinematic Universe blog tasks

1) How many films are there in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU)?                                                                                        22 films

2) How much money have the MCU films made in total so far?                                                                                                         MCU movies have made 18.2 billion but 13.7 billion today

3) Why did Marvel create the Avengers films?                                                                                                                                    In 2007, Marvel was recovering from bankruptcy and had sold off the film rights to some of the company's  most popular        characters like X-men and Spider-Man

4) What will Phase Four of the Marvel Cinematic Universe involve?                                                                                                  Doctor Strange, Black Panther, Guardians of the Galaxy, Captain Marvel and the Eternal and Shang-Chi                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      

5) What will happen with Doctor Strange and who is the main star?                                                                                                   Doctor Strange will come back for a sequel. Benedict Cumberbatch will be the main star 

6) Who owns the rights to Spider-Man and why is the character now appearing in Marvel films?                                                     Sony own Spider-Man but Spider-Man is reappearing in Marvel because Sony sold film rights from Spider-Man to                   Marvel.

7) Which company owns the rights to the Fantastic Four and the X-Men?                                                                                          Marvel

8) Look at the very end of the article. What has Disney announced regarding TV shows on their new streaming service                 Disney+?                                                                                                                                                                                           Disney has announced plans for many Marvel series coming out soon on Disney and on their new streaming service.                There will be a lot of Marvel content to watch in the future.





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